Scandia Journal from Scandia, Kansas (2024)

fan, Mm and litem, PATENTS. Patents procured upon Inventions. Ao Few Advanct Our House was established in 1869. We lile Caveuta, und obtain Trade MtirkH. DeslffQ Patents.

Etc. INVENTORS, bnd us a Model of your Invention with your own description of it, for our opinion us to patentability. No, Attorney's Fees unless tmteut is secured. Our Book of Instructions, "How to Procure Patents," sent free on request! also sample copies of the Scientific llccord, tho Inventors Journal. Everyone That Cultivates Tie Soil uiiouid nonpars THt ORrfilNAL, INOtPENlitNl CONSCIENTIOU RURAL NEW-YORKER with otlior pupors The First Hortleiiltural mid Agricultural Authority in America.

An Illustrated Wrrkly For All Part Of Our Country. SUBSCRIBE NOW! A $4.00 PAPER I OK PER ANNUM. NO (Mil RATES, The Rural is tho Dry Qoodi, (hoowles. etc, FOI SALE! (0) I J. B.

BTRAMTTiS, IT TIE "STIR STORE," Wb 70a can alwayi Ret the low Mtprtot. S. LACEY PATENT ATTORNEYS, 604 Street near Patent Offlee, Washington, D. C. Pensions.

All disabled Soldiers and heirs of deceased Soldiers who died from consequences of service in the Army, are entitled to pensions. No arrears allowed after July 1880. Send stamps for full instructions iu all kinds of Soldiers' claims. J. H.

SHEPHERD CO. Street, Washington, D. C. PROSPECTUS. THE Republic County Journal.

For 1880. Tbey nsve everything you want. Call and jet prices before making a Weito PreliflQ Corn, Beauty of Hebron Potato, Pearl Millet, und Fifty sorts of new and rare vttKotublo und (lower seeds. The preterit Free Seed and Plant Distribution it the most rosily and valuable ever before offered bu Journal in the World. A Full illustrated descriptive account of it will be sent with Speciment Copy Free to applicants, that all may judge for themselves.

Large Capital and abundant Resources enable ub to ben -lit our subscribers by such meuns. Illustrations from Life. No untrustworthy advertisem*nts. All now farm and garden plants or seeds tested and impartially reported upon. When tho size and the quality of the paper, the standing of Its world-renowned contributors, its Independence and trust-worthiness, its Free Beed and Plant Distributions which are deemed by subscribers as of more value each yenrthan the subscription price, are considered, it is by far the (Jheapcnt Cnunti'y-Hoine Journal 111 '11X0 World! Experiment Orounttt of S'i Acres Owned by Tlie Rural New Yorker ami Worked in the Interest! of its Subscribers.

It will help you make money and spend it judiciously. li! jrurcnae. 11 Stop That Cough Bv going to the reliable Drug Stand oi W. H. C.

M. McCluti, and buy a bottle of Green Mountain Cough Balsam. If, after using two-thirds, you no relief, return the balance" and get vour money back. See advertisem*nt in this paper. Prof.

W. J. Beal. of tho Michigan Agri- cultural College: "The Sural Xew-Yorker i. now the best paper.

Prof. E. If. Khelton, of tho Kansas Agri cultural Col lone: "The Rural Ke.w-orke CHEAP! Now is tho time to subscribe. The Journal will be sent to new subscribers, and to old subscribers who renew their subscriptions now, until February 1st, 1881, for one dollar and fifty cents.

Politically the Journal, is a Republican paper, will continue to pursue the course it has followed under its present editorial management. It will discuss matters of public interest in a straightforward and Impartial manner, approving the wrong regardless of partly or policical influence. The Journal is especially devoted to the interests of Republic county, its growth and development. And its has more iujluence and is more quoted than all the rest imt together." Pres. T.Lyon: "The Mural is the bes.

paper I see." A paper for the Country, Village. City; for the market gardener, nurseryman, fruit rower, small fruit ci.lturist, herdsman, airvman, apiarian, the scientist, everywhere. No sectional prejudices. The most vigorous and able combination of practical writers ever before collected together in tho columns of any journal. Original Uliiatratlotis from 1 i by oui best artists, of fruits, architecture.

faiu helps, shrubs, trees, agricultural implements, etc. Enthimlaiim Throughout the Country 10,000 Congratulatory Letters. Third Year of its Pi escnt Management, 31st Year of its Age. Published weekly. Address RURAL NEW-YORKER, T8 Ouane Street, N.

if I 4, Hi Pis IN E3E 1 55i coiums will be lined principally with matters of local importance, Ithasan able corns of correspondents and aims to continue te be one of the best county papers in the State. It will also give complete summary of general news, noticing all the principal events in this country and Us Improved NOTICE. I will be in my ofiice, in Belleville on Friday and Saturday of each week. J. H.

McC Superintendent of Public Instruction, in and for Republic county. Kansas. At Low Prices! Tins standard article is compound ed with the greatest care. Its effects are as wonderful and as satisfactory as ever. It restores gray or faded hair to its youthful color.

It removes nil eruptions, itching and dandruff. It gives the head a cooling, soothing sensation of great comfort, find the scalp by its use becomes white and clean. By its tonic properties it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, preventing baldness, and making the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing, nothing has been found so effectual or desirable. A.

A. Hayes, M.D., Slate Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality nnd I consider it the Best Puei-auatioh for its intended purposes." Price, One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may be relied on to change the color of the beard from gray or any other undesirable shade, to brown or black, at discretion. It is easily applied, being in one preparation, and quickly and effectually produces a permanent color, which will neither nib nor wash off.

Manufactured by R. P. HALL NASHUA, N.H. M4 6 HI Sncf su, aal tttltri ia XtflcbM. JENKRAI.

REAL ESTATE AGENT SC1NDIA. KANSAS. Improved and Unimproved Farms for Sale. Also City Property. The following are among my list of unimproved lands Section last 23 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 8 3 3 3 3 3 Town 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 dill a mill I VlAV 1 Price.

4.50 4.00 6.00 4.00 5.00 4.0W 4.00 3.60 3.50 5.5 4.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 3.60 5.00 10.00 west's 34 H. E. '4 34 8. i 11 n. a E.

18 K. E. 4 82 St ia 32 V. "4 14 It it W. 32 S.

ft 30 111 34 8.W.4 22 St. 4 84 8. i X. 54 28 8. E.

28 iWl 12 4 3.50 The above lands are sold for one- abroad, and also the latest and most complet. market reports. As an advertising medium, the Jocb-nal, having the largest circulation of any paper In the county (and a constantly increasing one. )is prominently the best. Its rates are low, and advertisers, a home and abroad, will find to their interest to patronize the paper most read by all classes of people.

Journal JOB OFFICE. Attention is respectfully called to our Job Printing Department, which, is prepared to promptly execute Plain and Fans" PRIITTISft a OF EVERY VARIETY, In the best style of the art, and at the LOWEST LIVING rRICES. Special attention given BLANKS, LABELS, DODGERS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS. HAND BILLS, ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS. NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, BALL PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, ADDRESS CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, ADMISSION CARDS.

LAWYERS' BLANKS, PRICE LISTS, All orders by mail ivill be execute with care and prominent. ADDRESS, The Journal WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRHPIIY OF THIS COUNTRY. V'V SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE 1 1 fifth oash balance in four pay-menu, in 1, 2, 3, and 4 years respectively. Interest 10 percent. I nave a large amount of other lands for sale cheap, and would be pleased to show lands and open correspondence with parlies desirous of purchasing lands In Republic, Jewell, and cloud counties.

Address, A. B. Wilder, Soandia. Kansas. 100,000 Acres LAND! In Northern Kansas FOR SATiEa Cash or Ion; Time! 1 vSw 5' I I CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND PACIFIC R.

R. IS THE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST THE WEST I Its main line runs from Chicago to Council i Dinlnj C.irj for catinit One other Bluff, putlog throuirti Joltet, Ottawa, Salle, ereat fcatip of our Palaie Cars a SMOKINO Mollne, Hock Island. Davenport, West SALOON where you can enjoy your "Havana" Price within the reach of Ml. Most pep alar books since printing was Invented. The Pull and Complete Lecture of Col.

O. Ingersoll, a.Uhostt. No.J,UeU. No.g, Liberty of Mm, Wonvtn and Child. No.

0, fie. No. 7, Intellectual Development. No. Unman Mights.

No. t. Hereafter. No. to, HeUyious Intolerance.

X. II, Heretics and Heresies. No. If, Cel. Inuermllt Vindication of Thos.

Payne. No. IS, Plea for Individuality and Arraignment of the Church. No. 14, The ReUnion of Our Hay.

No. IS. Pergonal Deism No, le-The Philosopher of Reason-Hum -boldt. PRIOE 5 CENTS EACH. Col.

IsjerallanfliusCMcafio Crttics. A Lootuw by the Rev. Junes K. Applebee. Prioe 15 cents.

peech of Charles 8tewart Psrnell at the Exposition Buildin. Chicago, February flUMfe Toeethor with a short Biography of hU Life, with Large Portrait and Autograph on Cover Page. Price, fi.oo. Full Beport of the Grand Reunion of Soldiers and Bailors of the LaAo War. held at Chiesgo Nov.

11 to is. including all speecHes tW; of Col. B. 0. IngerSoll.

01- wWm- Vitas Baranel L. Clemena'-Sark Twain speeoh on Bsbles. Price. 25 eensSi LJfe and Trip Around the World of Gen. Grant." price, 15 cents.

Last Speech of Senator ZaohChand. ler, and Biographical Sketch, with Portrait dTkr. Chandler on Cover tmfr. Soants. Crana Sfaaa, on Dreams, The jjfcltaton of Deistn, la one volume, by Thoma Paine.

Prio 25 Liberty low City, Marengo. Brooklyn, Grinnell, De Moines (the capital of lowai, Stuart, Atlantic, and Avitca with hmnchp. fpnm SCANDIA, KANSAS at all Hours or the Mnanlllcent Iron spun the Ml8slsirpi anil Missouri rivers Ht ull jmints cnwseil bv tills lino, and transfers arc avoided at Council Blulls. Kansas I ity, Leavenworth, and Atchison, connections bcinKmadc in Union Depots. Till! I'tilN'l 1CAL It.

K. CONNECTIONS OF THIS giUSAT 1HROUUH LINE AUK A3 FOLLOWS At i ntcACO with all diverging lines for the Eait and South, At ENoLiiwoon, with the L. S. Jl. 8., and Ft VI.

al R. Kd. At Washington Heights, with C. St. At 1 a 8ALLS.

with III. rent. It. It. At l'EDKIA.

with V. P. it J.i P. D. IS.

ill. and T. P. W. IUU.

At liottt Island, with i Rock Island Short Line," and nock Ul I'eo. Itila. At DAVKXI'OHT, with the Davenport Jdvision cm. a p. it.

it. At WESTLiliEItTY. with C. It, N. K.IL At (iutXNLLL, with entral Iowa R.

It. At I if. Mot neb, with t). M. F.

I). R. At Council Blitk. with L'ulou Pmltlc It. B.

At Omaha, with It. Mo. K. It. U.

in Ncb.i AtCOLCMlirS K. N. I At Ottumwa, with Central V. 8t.

L. and C. II. Q. It.

Ilda. At ttoKUK, with Pco. A Wb St. Loul. and SL I.

Keo. It. lids. At CAMEItON. with II.

St. J. 11. R. At Atchison, with Topeka ft Santa ft: Ateb.

Neb. and en. Br. u. P.

U. Rum. At I.katexwortu. with Kan. Pac, and Kan Cent.

It. lids. At Kansas City, with all lines for the West and Southwest. Junction to Peoria: Wilton Junction to Muscatine. Washington, FairSeld, Kldon, Belknap, Centrnville.

Princeton. Trenton. Gallatin. Cameron. Leavenworth, Atchison and Kansas City; Washington to SignurnL Oskaloosa, and Knox-ville: Keokuk to Farroington.

Bonaparte, Ben-tonsport. Independent. Eldon, Ottumwa, Pella, Monroe, and Dos Moines: Newton to Monroe: Des Moines to Indianolaand Wintersel: Atlantic to Lewis and Audubon: and Avoca to Harlan. This is positively the only Railroad, which owns, and operates a through line from Chicago Into the State of Kansas. Through Express Passenger Trains, with Pullman Palitce ttrs attached, are run dacn way daily between Chicaho and Peoria.

Kansas City, Cocncii. Bi.ct'FS. Ltavinworth and ATcni-HON. Through cars area'so run between Milwaukee and nsns I ity. via the "Milwaukee and Hunk Short Line." The Great llock Island" Is magnificently equipped.

Iu road bod is simply perfect, and its track is laid with steel rails. What will please you most will be the pleasure of enjoying your meals, while passing over the beautiful prairies of Illinois and Iowa. In one of our magnificent Dining Cars that accompany all Through Express Trains. You get an entire meal, as good as Is served In any Orst-clasa hotel, forsevcnty-tlve cent. Appreciating the fact that a majority of the people prefer separate apartments for different purposes (and tho immense passenger business of this line warranting It), we are pleased to announce that this Company runs Pullman future Sidling Cars for sleeping purposes, and Palace For Information Address A.

B. WILDER, opon rv IM AN PALACE CARS) are run through to PEORIA, nre run through to PEORIA, fOl BLVFFs) Buitf. DCS MOIE8 CITT. ATCHIHO.N, und L.K A fe WORTH? n. tbe Orent Rock l.luad Route," are sold bv Ticket.

Tin (hi. Line, known 11 Ticket Anent In tin United Mtnle. nnd f'nnurfa. if 1. 1, nil Fnr lafsnmUa not ebtnlnsble ut your bonK ticket office, lT P.

W. CARROLL Wl Randolph St-, Chicago A. KIMBALL. K. ST.

JOHN. SCA2TDXA. 5o'l tit Cm.

Scandia Journal from Scandia, Kansas (2024)
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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.