11- A t. ii; POX SA1I It TUDAT. SIAXC1I I. IMS MX78CATXMK Ctows) JOUKNAL Lccc! nrficto EARLY BUY SAVE UP at BAXTER BIG less Stccdy to S3 Gents Dp in Chisago Market stlmate4 SfteeeiptaJ March 6. OP) (USDA) Estimated salable livestock receipts tor Saturday: Hogs 300.
Cattle 300. 8heep 100. i Chicago (JF) Hogs were steady to 50c a hundred pounds higher today, while cattle and sheep were practically steady. Trading was fairly active. Most good and choice butcher hogs sold from $20.25 to $24.25, with a top; price of $24.50, while comparable "sows brought $18.50 to $19.50.
Steers and heifers grading top-good and above were absent, which sent medium to good grades scaleward at $23 to $26.75. (USDA) Salable hogs 6,000, total fairly active, 25c to 50c higher on weights under 240 butchers over 240 lbs. steady to mostly 25c higher; sows scarce, fully 50c higher; top bulk good and choice 240 to 280 lbs, $23.50 to 250 to 270 lbs, $22 to $23; 280 to 300 lbs, $21 to $22: several loads 325 to 400. lbs. reller, the old Iowa farm boy who will strike SO years on his next birrhday.
As they toll 'and sweat here under the desert sun, the Indians to a man are hoping only one thing that they may come up with another pitcher even approaching the grandeur of Rapid Robert. If manager iLou Boudreau should by happy chance uncover another 20-game winner, the Indians are convinced they could rassle the Yankees and the Red Sox right down to the wire. Without -another of the Feller stripe, they realize they can aspire to no better than' third place in the final Amerian league standing: j. jr Feller posted a 20-11 record last year not one of his, better efforts. Second in effectiveness among Indian moundsmen was Bob Lemon, a converted outfielder, who wound up with a 11-5 mark.
Don Black; despite a no-hitter against the Athetics, achieved no better than 10-12 in the won -lost column. The Indians seem to feel that any real pitching, help will have to come from among the new t- Foremost probably is Bob Mun-crief, the big righthander who same along with Walt Judnich and John Berardino from the St. Louis Browns. The next best bet appears to be a gangling rookie southpaw named Bill Kennedy, who set a 15-2 record last year with' Scran-tbn. 1 Last of the hot prospects is Mike Garcia, a righthanded fast-baller of Mexican-American ancestry xut of Californina.
SKZLLEY) Des Moines The boys go hunting tonight lor 26 district high school' basketball i Ten Double A teams, 24 1 in Class and 18 in Class A Swill attempt to bag passports to the vital sub-state tournaments next week. The winners will Join 12 AA teams which passed their district tests Thursday night. Another Hurry, of lactivity Saturday night and a pair jof hold-, over games at Waterloo Monday will complete the sub-state field of 20 double A's and 24 Bs. i -i The excitement was 'terrific along the district fronts Thursday night as 24 Double A's went after the one district; victory needed for. sub-state a qualification for teams in their classification.
Davenport's Blue Devils, the defending 'champion I almost 1 fell before Clinton's aroused River Kings- Clinton sent the battle into an overtime with a long shot in the last 15 seconds but the Blue Devils came 50-44. Roosevelt of Des Moines, ranked No. I in the southwest. wasn't as fortunate. The Roughriders lost a "36-33 overtime to Amesy which had won only five games all season.
1 1' Central of Sioux City, runner-up for the title last i winter, toppled city rivfli East, 38-28, avenging two regular i' season defeats. Thomas Jefferson of Council Bluffs got! the same kind of revenge by slapping a47-42 defeat on Abraham Lincoln of Council Bluffs." 4 1 a i Mason City. Ko. 2, in 4 the northeast, did the expected I by downing Charles City, 44-28. Other.
Class AA winners were Chariton, Des Moines iCDowling), Keokuk, Cedar Rapids (Roosevelt), Iowa City, Dubuque. (Lor-' as), and Fort. Dodge. West Chester and Steamboat Rock, team members of the 1947 championship' field, turned in first round wins! Thursday night The former stopped; its bitter rival.1 Wellmanj. 41-38, and Steamboat got surprisingly high 53-27 triumph ever" Stanhope, Other prominent winners included Wiota, Truro, Grand Junction and i Marshalltown, aua VK1 ROOM! Here is the Dwindling Lst While Thev Last.
First Congregational Third and Chestnut streets. JRev. M. Van Wag enen, minister. Church school at 930 V.
Lear, superintendent; Arthur D. Phelps, assistant. Morning worship At 10:45. Sermon, "Christian" Attitudes: Merry. Music: Prelude, The Opening Vulun- Clark; anthem, "The Lord Retrneth." Thompson: offertory.
"On Holy Ground," Stickland; poctlude, -Postlude, HandeL Audita Zion Lutheran "Rer. Bartels, pastor. Sunday school and Bible class, 9:30 ajn. Morning worship and sermon, 10:30 ajn. Lenten services each.
Wednesday at 8 pjtn- Calvary Baptist Cedar and Fourth street. Rev. M. G. Hatcher, pastor.
Prayer group. 9 a jn. Bible school. 9:30 ajn-, Kenneth SchluU, superintendent. Classes for all ages.
-r. Worship service, 10:40 a.m. Or ean selections by Lillie Frieder- choir. Message by the He v. Henry Geiger, director of the Cum-" berland Bible Living-' ston, Tenn.
Junior crusaders. 6:30 pjn Marian Plessy in charge. Senior, and Hi-Teen crusaders. 6:30 p.m. Miss Joyce reusing in charge of the devotional program.
Rev. Mr, Geiger will be guest speaker. Evening worshio service. 7:30 Leonard P'essy, song leader; Lil lie-Fnedenctosen, organist; Mrs. Alvin Young, pianist Musical selections by the Crusaders chorus and a duet by Levi OdeU and Leonard Plessy.
The Bev Mr. Geiger will bring the message. Trtnity Episcopal Located at 411 East Second street The Rev. J. Thurlow Baker, 1 1.
Holy Comrrmnion. 8 ajn. Church school, 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion and sermon, 10:45 ajn. Young children will be cared lor in nursery class during the 10:45 service.
I Lenten services Wednesday, March 10, at 7:30 p.m. White men! are not 'permitted to buy land in Basutoland, Africa. The United States turned out ocean-going ships in 1943. Sold and Installed 0THMER Ilea ting ft Supply Co. 208 Pine Street, Phone 751 OPEN i BEST BETS BAXTER BARGAINS i They're FINER! i They're LOWER PRICED! 47 FORD, SITAr'dELCXE 8" CUSTOM FOCR i DOOR SEPAV- Radio, heater, chrome wheel rins, custom IJticoln alt nark blue rich upholstery, beautiful dark blue finish, this i YOUlt 4-AHT CHANCE to buy a BRAXD NEW '47 fused nt one hour) (or J20 lean, than a 48.
NOW GOING for ONLY JiU.j. 47 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXEFOUR.DOM SKDA.N Radio, heater, chrome wheel rings, car visor, for beautiful light-gray finish, ANOTHER BARGAIN for ONLY Jr. ilS95 4 CHEVROLET STYLEMASTER DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, spot light. fo- lights, beautiful orlrinal tutone brown finish, A BARGAIN for ONLY Ji, $1459 '4 CHEVROLET FLEETMASTER FOUR-XOOR Sparkling original black finish, radio, heater, brand -new tire. ENTIRE CAR cannot be told from BRAND NEW! Another STEAL for i 16S 4 CHRYSLER WINDSOR FOUR DOOR IS ED AN Radio, brand new? white wall, tlrea, white enamel -wheel rims, sparkling dark blue finish, beautiful rich dark blue nphdlstefy, EKTIRE CAR cannot" be told from BRAND NEW.
-A REAL BARGAIN for ONLY" 48 CROSLEY JOljR PASSENGER TUDOR SEDAN -t- Heater. $20.25 to most 350 to 550 lb. sows $18.50 to gooa early clearance. Salable cattle 1.500, total 1.500: salable calves 400, total 1 400; all classes moderately steady: top-good and choice steers heifers absent: medium and good grades $23 to $26.75: few common steers down to $20.50: sprinkling good beef cows $21.50 to $22.50: common and medium cows $18.25 to $21; canners and cutters $15 to $18; bulls $23 down: practical top sausage offerings $22.50: good and choice vealers $26 to $28:, good to choice 530 to 675 lb. replacement steers $24.25 to $25t package medium 60Q lb.
stock steers $21.50. Salable sheep 2,500. total slaughter lambs active, steady; other classes scarce, nominally unchanged; good and choice fed wooled western lambs $22.75 to top $22.85 for five cars Colorados around 97 to 105 lb. averages: medium to good wool-i skins $20 to $22: good and. chece slaughter ewes quotable to Chicago Cash Grain Chicago.
MaJch. 5. 4 No wheat Corn: No. 4l 1 1 w. to Xo.
5. $2.19 to sample grade. $2.07., Oats: No. I heavy mixed. $1.42: No.
1 mixed, $1.414: No. 1 white, No. 1 heavy special red, 81.424. Field seed per rwt nominal: timothy-. $5.25 to red top, $19 to $2h.
nominal; malting, $2.25 to feed. $1.60 to $1.75. Soybeans: None. Chicago Potatoes Chicago, March 5.4-iiW fCSDAl Potatoes: I. S.
total shipments 854. 66, on track 190. Supplies moderate; demand slow; i market steady for western stock and northern reds, iweak for northern Cobblers; actual miles, beautiful light blue finish A REAL I BARGAIN for ONIY OLDSMOBlLE -16" CLUB SEDAN (SDANETTE) Radio, air 46 ronamonea oasn neater, rog orown ana ivory nnisn. U.Mt OWNER, iEXTIHK'AR CANNOT be 1 4 tord from BRAND NEW! A STE.L SUPREME. 3n UXDER MARKET ut it BEST! BETS BAXTER fr BARGAINS A L-thisTS: HURRT' btteli com TOO EARLY trn TOO LATE for 41 CADILLAC: "ii" "sED.i HoUPE EV LTKE NEW.
entire car. looks and runs like! fiew. A POWDER PUFF J.f A f. 1 17f5 41 CHEVROLET (MASTER DELUXE QWN SEDAN Heater, seat-corers, 3 NEW TIRES, RUNS WELL, clean, i JO DANDY! Really A STEAL for ONLY TX: WJfi a. 2 s2 ui imiiw, unun Beat iipairr, 41 lJLiK -TUIJOR wonncx asts Hans, i lbs.
and over, 24e; Uahta Lghornm. lie: co*cks, Uc EKs 42c; Sic; tic. ato auuucar. (QoaUxs rmrmlsA4 kjr tka J. 9.
Saix Co.) Until further nolle th yards will closed on Mondays. Good ao choice truck hogs: 140 to ISO lbs. 160 to 180 lbs. 22.0tr-22.7o 189 to 200 lbs. 22.75 200 to 220 lbs.
22.75- 220 to 240 lbs. 22.7&- 240 to 270 lbs. 21.2-22.75 270 to 300 lbs. 20.00-21.25 800 to 330 lbs. 19.75-28.00 330 to 360 lbs, 13.25-19.75 Good -to choice sows: 270 to lot lbs.
18.00- i 300 to 330 lbs. 18.00- 1 330 to 360 lbs. 17.75-18.00 360 to 400 lbs. 17.75- 400 to 450 lbs. 17.50-17.73 450 to 500 lbs.
17.26-17.50 60 lbs. and up 16.25-17.25 Stairs (aodocKsge) 400 to 600 10.00-15.00 Stockyards Here To Stay Closed Monday, Tuesday Stockyards of the John jP. Squire co. on Washington' street will remain closed "Monday and Tuesday, March 8 and 9, it was announced today by V. R.
Branson, manager. No hogs will be purchased. Action is being taken because of an impending national meat packing strike. It is possible thiat the yards here may be closed 'nd buying of hogs even beyond Tuesday, Mr. Branson said, Further announcement will be made next week, i I.
Grain Futures Chicago, Jterch Open WHEAT. Mar May 2. July Sep. .2.24 Dec 2.2 2 CORN May 2.29'i Juy 2.13H See. ttfl: .1.67 OATS Mar.
May .....1.16. July 9t Sep. .86 1, iec. S5V-4 SOTBEANS Mar. May 3.68 July 3.5 9 Nov LARD Mar 22.35 May 22.35 July Sep.
22.50 Oct. o. (yP) High Ldt Close 2.57 2.494 2.28 2.25 2.234 2.29 1.97 1.66 1.34 116V4 .94 8.74 3.64 3.57 2.65 22.43 2.58H Sell 2.30 2.26 2.56 2.4H 2.24 2.3054 2.28 2.17H 2.14 1.9S, 1.96H 1.68, 1.65a 1.17U 116 .93 -S6S .841 3.7H 8.74 3.69 3.64 3.62 V4 3.57 22.45 22 22.50 22 22 22.50 22.55 22.60 22.60 22.55 22. 27 32 22.60 22 22.60 22. 47 Omaha Livestock Omaha.
March 5. UP) (USDA) Hogs salable 4.000; activ): barrows and gilts steady to 25c higher; good and choice 10 to 240 123.50 to 2f. 240 to 270 121.50 to 123.75; 270 to 120 to $22; 300 to 330 819.50 to 120.50; 330 to 360 $19 to $19.7.:,. co*ks steady to 50c higher; good and choice 318 to I Caule salable 1.500: calves salable 50; fen steers and fed heifers steady to weak; fat cows generally steady; canners and cutters weak; bulls and vealers little changed; and feeders scarce, fully steady; one load low choice light weight fed steers 127.50; medium and good fed steers 822.50 to 826.50; package choice mixed yearlings 827; medium to good cows 119.25 to common cows $17.50 to canners and cutters $13 to $17: odd good beef bulls up to $22.25: few medium to choice vealers $20 to $26; choice flenhy feeder steers J35.J5. Sheep salable 4,000: very active; steady; around eight loads good and choice 95 to Ip7 IK fed wooled lambs over 107 lbrt.
discounted 25c an more: two loads medlpm and rood 93 and 94 lb. womlipd lambs $20.50 to $21; good and choice wooled ewes $12.50 to $13. Chicago Produce Chicago. Marrh S. UP) Butter.
Weak; receipts 435.5)9; prices He to WtC a lb. lower: 93j vcore (A A), 92 score fA). and 90 score tB. all 74.5c; 89 srore C), 73c; cars: 90 score B. 74.5c: 9 score C), 73c i Eag.
wtak: receipts 19.19): prices 1c to IVic a do, lower, L. S. extras, 7o per cent and up (A. 46c; 60 to 69.9 per cent lA), 45c: I. S.
standards. 42t- to 44c; current receipts, 41.5c; dirties, 39.5c: checks. 39c. T.ive poultry, generally firm; receipts 11 trucks, no. cars: prices unchanged except ducklings and heavy docks 1c a lb.
loj-er at 35c f. o. b. wholesale Iowa Hog Review Des Moineii, Mar. 5.
tiPh (USDA) Receipts today estimated) 40,000, week ago 23.000, year- ago 33,700, actuals Thursday 40,500. Cover unloads at two packing plants Jn southern and 12 plants and approximately 30 concentration yards In Iowa, including some additional out -of state shipping and county buying stations. Fairly active; general market largely steady to strong with Thursday's average, few bids 25c higher nd occasional bids 25c lower. narrows guts, good dt cnoice: 16 to 180 lbs. ISO to 200 lbs.
22.00-23.25 200 to 240 lbs 22.25-25.25 240 to ,270 lbs. 1 21.25-22.75 270.to(3O0 lbs. .1 20.25-21.75 300 to 330 lbs 19.25-20.75 330 to 360 lbw Mows, good A choice: 270 to 330 lbs. 17.00-1S.25 330 to 30 lbs. 17.80-18.00 360 to 400 lbs 16.75-17.75 Sows, good 400 to 4501 Iba.
U.50-17.60 450 to 550llbs. 15.50-17. 25 DRIVE, beautiful light blue finish, ENTIRES CAR LIKE XEWf ANOTHER BARGAIN for ONLY t129I 41 FORD SUPER DELUDE "8" TUDOR SEDJfJ? RadlK heater. chrome wheel rings, beautiful new-maroon tinlfii ANOTHER BARGAIN for ONLY 40 CHE-ROLET SPECIAL DELUXE CLVB COltPE Radib, heater, sparkling black finish. irnni and looks like new i.
40 FORD DELUXE THREE-PASSENGER COUP--Heatr. excellent tires, beautiful original light green finish, cleahas.a pin. PRICED BELOW MARKET at ONLY I 40 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE Heater. beautlfpP light bine finish. motor reconditioned, excellent condition, A HOKEY for ONLY t50 S9 CHEVROLET MASTER "85- TCDORr TOWS gSEDAX Heater.
TQ $200! MOTORS' VE LNT. PLENTY 681 ligtito. beautiful xparkling tutone opauiuui xuxonf; Dtue nntn, ttrs SEDAN RadioK heater. FT.T'TD dark gray grin finish, excellent 4 959 er. sootlirht.
Ifuf dark used less than one hour. up lights, uiifferbodr seal, brand combination. 14. DREAM BOAT AutomobUe INVENTORY FOR SALE On hand 300 3-weeks old New Hamps started chicks. At that special price I this week.
Also 200 Rocks one week old 200 New Hamp.v co*ckerels. These" extra nice, 'chicks. Iowa State Hatchery Store, 324 iE. 1 2nd. Phone 399.
i FOR SALE Deep I Freeze, -dining 1 room suite, bed room suite, parlor suite. Phone 2142. FOR SALE Road rock a riprap k. Prompt delivery. Evert White.
Phone 1076-W. FOR SALE Fersh buttered pop corn. Take home a sack! Iowa Shine Parlor, I Ave. FOR SALE Large Norge oil heater, practically new. Phone 2269- APPLES FOR SALE! Grimes Golden, $1 bu.
basket. Bring baskets. 530 Maple Ave. I i FOR RENT. FOR RENT Small furnished apart ment In exchange for.
care of -nool child and light housework, Write JournaU i i 'I FREE RENT 1 of vacant store building in Moscow, suitable for residence of small family, in return for loking after elderly man living in adjacent home. See V. Hr Lea at Muscatine Municipal Electric i office or phone 2032. i FOR RENT Sleeping room. Stoker neat.
3 large windows. Close In, Call after (:00, 324 UXV. FOR RENT Three room furnished apartment. 708 East 6th. 117S-J.
(I i SLEEPING ROOMS for rent. Bui i line. Phone 705. it FOR RENT One light housekeeping room, sue west 3rd. i APARTMENTS FOR RENT.
Call Dillon Store. Idaho Ruset Burhanks. V. No. 1, $5.70 to utilities.
$4.75: Minne sota-North Dakota Red River Valley Bite Triumphs, Nebraska Bliss Triumphs. $4.40 to New stock (street nates): Florida 0 lb. sacks Bliss Triumphs. $2.75 to Mason I Fort Ottumwa $17.50 2o.oo Austin IS. 40 22.50 22.75 21.75 20.75 19.7 IS.
7.5 17.75 17.25 16.75 16.75 16.75 Citv 22.50 22.50 21.50 20.50 19.50 I 1S.50 17.00 17.00 16.50 Dodga $... 20.25 i 23.25 22.75 21.75 20.75 1 9.00 17.50 17.00 16.50 16.O0 15.50 22.50 21.50 20.50 i 19.50 18.50 17.50 17.00 16.50 16.50 16.00 16.50 I 15.75. MARCH 5 'ears Roebuck J4 ocony-Vacuum 15 itd Brands 23H Sid Oil Ind 39 Std Oil 72 5 Studebaker, 16 Swift Co 31T Texas Co S4 Cnited Air Lines 1RH l'nlted Aircraft, 26 IT llypsum 7 IT Rubber 40 1' Steel 70 I West Vn Tel "A- 19 Wilson Co 13'i 1 Woolworth 45 Should Havi Btton Am Ri ng MAGIC "9" AD CARLISLE IGA MARKET 1134 Lucas St. H4KE THANKS 19OJQ SU66EiTCM DO MV SERVICE 1 its' HPST and bXOUOMT's9 CUSSINd you PONT DO 1 rich mohair upholstery, sparkling tire. A HONEY for ONLY IOWA LIVESTOCK BIDS 39 CHRYSLER ROYAL FOUR DOOR SEDAN iSadio.
heater, over drive, seal beams, neat covers, excellent tires4 feautiful condition throughbuti A STEA for ONLY It. 3T DODGE DEILUXE FOUR-DOOR- TRUNK SEDAS Beautiful light -blu finish radio, heater, seat beams, rich mofriir upholstery, excellent tires, runs nicelr. 'A S7 FORD "8 THREE PASSENGER COCPE Jldio, heater, spark- i. (rnrnlshed by V. B.
Jpartmat' of Agrlcoltuxa). HUIUA.X, 9, lS. I Cedar I S7 i 1VW A1UUELS AVAILABLE for 'IMMEDIATE I DELIVERY! ALL BRAND NEW, BIT 180 170 ISO 200 24U 270 300 330 I 270 30 400 450 500 TCI1ERS Waterloo 20.00 22.50 22.75 Rapids $1.00 19.75 to 170 lbs. 180 lbs. to 200 lbs.
to 240 lbs. to 270 lbs. to 300 lbs. to 330 b. to lbs.
SOWS to 36o lb. to 400 lbn. to 450 lbs, to lbs. to 550 lbs. 22.25 22.50 i 21.5o 20.50 19.
5 1S.50 17.50 17.00 16.50 16.00 15.50 -1 I 3 :n.io 19.7S IS. 75 17.75 17.25 1G.75 16.75 16.25 BLICK SUPER SEDANETTE underset air conditioned heater. General white wall dual tires.V'fcronie wheel Jv seat covers, fog lights, dual. back new IMS tutone green color NIETZEL'S EVENINGS SUNDAYS 413 MULBERRY. AVE.
NEW YORK STOCKS CLOSING QUOTATIONS, Am Can 79 I. P. GOODRICH i 'it CHEVROLET FLEETMASTER CLUB COUPK Radio. 1 heater. beautiful winetbne maroon finish, A HONEY! REDUCED 10 4 CHEVROLET AERO SEDAN Radio, undeiat heater, white wheel rims; turn signals, seat covers, fog ligSm large front and rear -bumper guaYds.
beautiful tutone green SEinish A DREAM: ER AND SPANKING BRAND NEW! Used i one hour. Now MARKED DOWN I 100 48 DODGE CrSTOM TOWN SEDAJS Radio, eater, seat covers, white tires, chrome wheels, fog lights, feal-ft-up light, front and rear special bumper guards, oft beautiful aircruiser. red finish you'll LOVE THI SOXE! This Is' aWial body style. only one oot of abou. every '460-Dodges builfe I This" car LOOKS LIKE THE MOST COSTLY" of AUTOMOBILES! '4t DODGE THREE- -PASSENGER COUPE heater, fluid drive, special bumper guards, red wheels, snat covers, sparkling polchromatJc gray finish.
j. '48 FORD SUPER DELUXE TUDOR SEDA S- Heater." chrome wheel rings, sparkling green finish. REDUCElj 200 '48 HUDSON' COMMODORE FOX'K-. DOOItf SEDAN" Heater, OVAL ICE CAP $1.29 1 New York Produce New Tork. Mreh 5.
lP Weakness msrked deslinss today in) the wholesale eirr market. I Ekrs. 2S.I0J; weak. New Tork spot quotations follow: Midwestern, mixed colors, fancy heavyweights. 44c; extra 1 48ic: extra large.
4(Hc; extra I medium, 47c: extra "1 tull'tn. unquoted: current receipts. 4c: dirties, 43c; checks. iZa Butter. 41S.015J ateadr.
Wholesale prices on bulk cartons: Creamery, higher than 91 score and premium marks (AA), 76c to "Hc: 92 score (A. 75Hc; SO score R. S9 score 74c' (New tubs usually command a' lb. sorer tha bulk carton i Cheese. 230,739: steady; prices unchanged.
i Jew York Bonds New Tork, (Mar. 5 The 'bond market maintained a slightly higher trend In quiet trade today. Most activity centered In rails. Danish and Norwegian bonds recovered some of the severe losses suffered recently on adverse i International political news. At the start of the final hour domestic-Issues ahead included Boston Maine 4Hs St.
Paul convertible 4s. Illinois Central 5s. Missouri Pacifiers and New. Jersey Power Light 5s. Big Four! 4s lost more than a point and New York Central consolidated 4s were down a fraction.
k. ROAD NOTICE State of Iowa," "Muscatine County, ss. Office "of the County Auditor, February 16th, 1948. To All Whom It May Concern: The Commissioner appointed to view a road, commencing at County Trunk Road in the Northeast 4 of the Northeast Section "32. Township 77N, Range 2W of the 5th f.
in said County, and running thence Northeasterly 0.34 mile through- the property of C. or Gertrude McGlothlen and Everett or Agnes A. Elshoff, and terminating 1 at property line of Primary Road No. 22, has reported in favor of vaca tion of said road and all ob jects thereto, or claims for damages must be filed, in the Auditor office, in said County on or "before noon of the 19th day of ApriL 1948, or such road will i be vacated without refer ence thereto. E.
R. SWICKARD, I County Auditor Don't Neglect Your Eye! Complete Perflex Mounting, Single Vision Lenses and i Carrying Case SENSIBLY PRICED brotxen I lenses glasses at the Muscatine, Iow Hen Foods Jji. Oen Motors Goodrich 0 tloodyear 40 i Illinois Central 29 Int Harv 85 Int Tel Tel 12F Kennecott 45 Kresge 33 i I Monty Ward 494 Nash-Kelvinator 154 Natl Dairy Prod 25i Central 13'i Penney SS6. Penn lti 1 Phillips Pet 68S 'orp Am Home Prod 21'. 4 A Rad St 12; Am Tel Tel 150s AmiToh 62i Anaconda 81 Atchison 904 Kendix Aviation 28 Beth Steel 317 Hoeing Airplane 25'jj Case 37 Chrysler 55 Cons Edison 21 Corn Irodticts 63 CuHlsw-Wright 5 lVerf Co 36, Oen 32 white wall tires, chrome wheels, beautiful ttfr hlue tha car of the future just arrived.
It's OUT of TTI 3 WORLD; 4 MERCURYi CLUB COUPE Radio, heater-cjirjanie wheel rlngs: corner end1 bnmptr guards, tutone -upholsteiyi beautiful green Mary's). The A's Staking first rdund games were Red Oak, 33-28 in a mild surprise overjVillisca; Perry, Marion, Pella, Estherville, Oel-wein and Clarion. i The Double; A games tonight are Burlington-Muscatine; Ot-tumwa-FairfSeld; Boone-Webster City; Newton-Oskaloosa; and Cedar Rapids J(McKinley) -Cedar Rapids (Franklin)-? Indians Find Hurler to Aid Dob FeHsr. i Tuscon OP) Aming- other things, the Cleveland Indians still have the best and the i highest paid pitcher in baseball in Bobby OPEN i S- i i' TO CHOOSE FROM AU 75 Kryptok' Bifocal finish. SAVE THIS WEEK J.
8 JOB '4 FONT! AC TORPEDO FOUR DOOR SEDA Radio, under-seat air conditioned. heater and defrosters, seat govers. fog ligbts. rear wheel chrome wheel irlngs. windVltfjhl washers, rear window wiper, corner end bumper guards, bHtftiful tutone gray A DREAM! REDUCED 8 100 COOD EYE GLASSES- SENSIBLE ICE Thofs Why Over 050,000 Prefer Service Optical 1 "THE PERFLEX" Abiolufely Firjr Quality it '48 DREAM BOAT.
CORRECTION "48 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER REGAL DELffce SEDAN COUTE Overdrive, climatixer, air conditioned heateif Aid defroster. IS -Inch tires, beautiful dark green- finish. The CAJRjgof TOMORROW! Marked down this week only 5 -I 100 THE FOLLOWING MODELS are BRAND NOV used less than one You can Vuvn these at a I REMARKABLE SAVINGS! 47 BUICK' SUPER FOUR DOOR SEDAN? Radio, heater. seat covers, large bumper guards, whit wall tires! red wheels, spark-- line black finish: -i i 47 CHEVROLET FLEETMASTER DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, sparkling black finish. '-4 1 4 i I i "47 CHEVROLET AERO SEDAN Radio, heatfri gunmetal grT finish.
j- A I 47 PLYMOUTH SPECfAlJ DELl'XE FOUR DOQRS SEDAN Radio. seat -covers', whit, wheel rims, beautify! blue color. MARKED DOWN 109 47 PQNTIAC STREAMLINER fS" SEDAN COrfl? Radio, heater. beautiful winetone maroon finish; MARKED DOWN I MANY MORE ALWAYS! 1 1948 TRUCKS i BRAND NEW, used less than one hourj '48 CHEVROLET 1-TON STAKE 4-speed transnssion, beautiful dark green finish. .1 48 DODGE 1-TOX PICKUP -Deluxe cab.
lartfe theater and defrosters, t-speed transmission, 7.50xl 8-ply tr, red cab, black box. i i 48 DODGE H-TON PICKUP Deluxe cab, heater defrosters, red cab, black fenders and box. i- 1 INTERNATIONAL- 1-TON PICKUP Deluxe fab, heater. defrosters. 4-speed transmission, many extras, ieatiful maroon.
47 CROSLEY 4 -TON PICKUP 830 actnai miles, our dem- onstrator. beautiful Idark green? SAVE J1S! F.UL PRICE ......8 7t NOW AVAILABLE for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY a Full line of New 1947 arid 1948 AutomobilesViafl colors and body I styles NOW at NEW LOWER PRICES, to RICH BRAND HOLLAND STYLE BOLOGNA IN OUR THURS. Mccormick iga market 18 E. 8rh St. 'i i ME AM.
I W0ULTJKT I 20 OTHER STYLES ISTZTTTT uae-vs- ausui Our Repair Dep'r. can duplicate your regardless of where you bought your TO CUSS THAT MsX BECAUSE F.Zg SEPTRA1 lowest prices in Iowa. I cnoose irom. DEAL WHERE EVERYONE ENJdYS DEALING IDEAL with CONFIDENCE with YOUR FRIENDLY ALWAYS HeWE SERVtCEO BY aoroat THAT KEEPS IT IN class coNornoN NEVER HAVE TROUBLE. DEPENDABLE BXXT ERMOTCiRS.
Incf Tinted Lenses $1 Ealb Extra ar It -r Is Single Vision Lenses 5 112 East Second Street i ojinoj The LARGEST USED CAR DEALER In the i MIDDLEWEST! And the Authorized CROSLEY CART. DEALER DURANT, IOWA 'i. Look for Texaco Suer Sn ice Station! 33 Years in Utt Same Location. Just 17 miles west-ot Davenport -2 i i cii: i i I 'if on Highway 6 i JAMUS SI BAXTER, President OO Director for The National Used Car Dealers Association.