THE ROANOKE TIMES. TUESDAY. APRIL 18, 1905. Easter Greetings! Everyone wants something entirely new with which to greet little friends and large friends on Easter. We have the most novel and complete line of EASTER POST CARDS, CHICKENS, DUCKS and RABBITS ever seen in Roanoke.
Come and see our window display. CALDWELL-SITES Booksellers and Stationers, Agents for Remington typewriter. 105 S. Jefferson St. ESTABLISHED 1842.
STIEFF Pianos Endorsed and used by the leading musicians and schools of the country. Write for Catalogue, Prices and Terms. Chas. M. Stieff, Factory Branch Warerooms.
No. 1030 Main Lynchburg, Va. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR CITY SERGEANT--T. R.
Tillett, asks the support of every voter in the city of Roanoke. Subject to the Democratic Primary. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for City Sergeant, subject to the Democratic primary. JOSEPH C. CLARKE.
FOR CITY TREASURER, For City Treasurer, LAWRENCE S. DAVIS, Subject to Democratic Primary June 10, 1905. For City Treasurer, W. L. ANDREWS.
Subject to Democratic Primary. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of City Treasurer, subject to the Democratic primary. If elected I shall strive, c.S I have done in every public position, to perform the duties of the office faithfully and partially. Respectfully, J. A.
PAGE. FOR CONSTABLE. I hereby announce myself for re-election to the office of Constable for the city of Roanoke, and ask the support of every voter in the city, promising, if elected, to faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of said office. Subject to Democratic primary, June 10th, 1905. E.
S. WINGFIELD. OBSERVE PALM SUNDAY. Palm Sunday was observed in the Catholic, Episcopal and Lutheran churches of the city yesterday. There were appropriate and interesting services which are provided in the rituals of the different churches.
Palm Sunday ecalled from the accounts in the scriptures of the entry of Christ into Jerusalem, when the multitudes waved palms and scattered them before him as a mark of honor. In the Catholic church palms, or substitute for them, are given to the people after having been blessed by the priests. The cold weather yesterday prevented many from attending churches who would have otherwise but despite the cold there were out many, to all the churches in the city. PAINT YOUR BUGGY FOR 75c. to $1.00 with Devoe's Gloss Carriage Paint.
It weighs 3 to 8 oz8. more to the pint than others, wears longer and gives a gloss equal to new work. Sold by Nelson Hardware Co. YOUR ICE BILL WIll be a small item if you use a "National" Refrigerator. GILES BROS.
BRITTS. YOUR CASTER FLOWERS! Place your orders for EASTER "Roses and Carnations" now! We've a splendid lot to select from and you can rely on them being fresh. Out-oftown orders given prompt attention. 'Phone or wire FALLON, Florist, Roanoke, Va. DO IT NOW.
See Gray Huske, and they will tell you what to do. PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. All the personal property belonging to the late Mrs. Jane M. Fry, consisting of all household furniture, including a number of hair mattresses.
mirrors and bed-room suites. Also lot of vehicles and other articles too numer-15 ous to mention. Sale will take place April 26th at 9 a. m. at Coyners' Springs.
Terms cash. D. B. FRY, Administrator. LITTLE QUARTER GRAND.
Chickering The smallest, yet the greatest grand piano ever made. PRICE $600. The Hollie Factory Distributors. ANDREW SAUTER DEAD. Well Known Machinist Passes Away in a Philadelphia Hospital.
A telegram was received in the city yesterday announcing the death in a hospital in Philadelphia of Andrew Sauter, who was for a number of years foreman at the Roanoke machine works in this city. No particulars of Mr. Sauter's death are known here, more than that he has been in poor health for some time and only about a week ago left this city to enter the hospital in Philadelphia. Andy Sauter was one of the best known employes of the Roanoke machine shops and for a number of years was located here all the time. He was then made general foreman of the shops at Lambert's Point and was afterward transferred to Portsmouth, 0., where he was again made general foreman.
wise at During one his time residence reported in that city was it dead, and General Manager L. E. Johnson had a special train gotten ready to bring his remains to Roanoke, when it was found that he was not dead and wa's rapidly improving. For the last few years Mr. Sauter has been inspector of engines for the comgines any other locomotive works pany.
they would buy new entroth it was his duty to inspect them and pass upon. This position he was holding at the time of his death. He was taken sick in Portsmouth at one time previous to 'his last attack and was thought to be in very critical as condition, but afterward recovered. He has a son in this city, Henry Sauter, and a host of friends who learn of his death with regret. IN THE POLICE COURT.
There was a large docket in the police court yesterday but the most of them were plain or aggravated drunks. It seems that there were numerous ones out Saturday night celebrating something or other, and when the'r celebrations reached the stage when they became very enthusiastic or when they fell by the wayside, the ever vigilant police took them in charge and they were escorted to the lock -up and had a hearing yesterday. One who came was an old man and an old arrested offender. He time gets there drunk is gets every a pay-day, and as soon as he a appeared a before the judge and the officer who arrested him stated that was just a plain, unmanageable drunk, the justice told him to go and sin no more until next pay-day. One man had been arrested upon complaint of his wife.
who stated that he had come home in a very beastly state of intoxication and was making himself generally disagreeable. She relented yesterday and there was a note on Judge Bryan's desk asking him to dismiss the man, as he had been very good when he was not very bad, and he was dismissed. Several friends who had assembled with "only about a pint a piece" and were celebrating on a very hilarious scale were heard by the officers and had to contribute $2.50 each yesterday morning. There were a number of other minor cases, which were disposed of in the usual manner. LIQUOR DRINKERS CURED.
Whiskey and Beer Habit Cured at Home With No Loss of Time. cording is habit, the can only guaranteed at home, cure and for destroys entirely the craving for drink, without publicity or loss of time. It quickly removes the craving for intoxicants, steadies the nerves, restores the appetite and gives refreshing sleep. Ten thousand grateful letters from those who have been cured by Orrine prove its infallible success. It is the only guaranteed cure for the liquor habit, and worst cases in the community in order to prove that Orrine cannot fall.
It is prepared in two forms-No. 1, which can be given in tea, coffee or food, without patient's knowledge, and No. 2, which is for those who desire to be cured. The price of either is $1 per box. Sold and recommended by Massie's Pharmacy, Roanoke, Va.
A refrigerator will soon be a necessity, and you'll want something good, of course. You run no risk if you buy a "Leonard Cleanable" or a 'North sale only by THURMAN BOONE CO. ROSE PLANTS! New roses being received every day. Fifty (50) choice varieties to select. from.
rose plants, $1.00 per dozen-2-year-olds, $3.00 per dozen. Now is the proper time to plant. Prompt attention to out-of-town Orders. FALLON, Florist. Roanoke, Va.
ROSE PLANTS! ROSE PLANTS! Just arrived, 3,000 one and two year old ROSES. Plant today while the weather. is cool. Prompt attention to outof-town orders. 'Phone or wire FALLON, Florist, Roanoke, Va.
Hospital Day, Tuesday, April 18. HOW WE ARE BUILDING. We are building on a permanent foundation, and nothing is too good for us. Our strong line is Adler made ready These are clothes that are honest inside as they are attractive outside. E.
WILE. ARE YOU READY? Are you ready to greet opportunity when it smiles you? If not, get ready now. Once you get into the habit of depositing a certain sum each week or month you'll see the advantage. Get ready! Begin today! PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK. EASTER-TIDE.
The spirit and influence of Easter pervades the whole store, wherever turn you feel it--subtly but surely. The new suits, the new trousers, the new hats, the new neckwear, all speak the cheer and brightness of a new born season. Does this sound right? Try on new models. Don't suit, take 'em off. Try more, until pleased.
Can't do that at tailor's. If correct dressers want perfect-fitting clothes they're positively here. Suits from $10.00 to $25.00. Young men's suits up to $20.00. Come here for your clothes.
If we please you, tell others. If we don't--tell us. N. SCHLOSS CO. Philadelphia One Price Clothiers.
If you are "up against it" smoke the cigar, the "blues' killer. ABOUT WATCH REPAIRING. That is one of the most important parts of our business; our work is strictly first class, our prices, are moderate. Why not bring all repair work to us and be satisfied? We also carry a nice line of spectacles, field and opera glasses. J.
P. HENEBRY. Jeweler. 108 Salem Ave. 'You Haut a.
Nothus Writes MRS. JANE PEATY, of Roaring River, N. Aug, 12, 1904. "My little boy could not walk a step from RHEUMATISM, and all other remedies had failed to do him any good. Rheumacide has cured him and made him sound and well." Hundreds of other letters give the same testimony.
GETS THE JOINTS FROM THE US cleanses the blood of all the poisons that cause Rheumatism and all other blood diseases, and absolutely cures to stay cured. The most powerful and effective blood purifier in the world vet it improves the digestion and builds up the entire system. "THE ONE THAT CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL." Write BOBBITT CHEMICAL COMPANY, BALTIMORE, for Free Sample. Ask your druggist for a 'FORGET ME NOT Book. ATTEMPTS SUICIDE.
A woman named Kate Jones, who is inmate of one of the houses on High street, attempted to commit suicide Saturday night by taking carbolic acid. The woman had been in poor health for some time and had become very despondent. She was continually ing about dying and said she was going to die. Saturday one of the women got some carbolic acid. which she was goto use for disinfecting purposes, and the fact that it was very weak is perhaps the reason the woman is alive today.
When the Jones woman saw the acid it seemed that she was suddenly possessed with a desire to end her life, and when there was no one around she swallowed a good sized dose of it, which, had it been pure carbolic would have caused her death almost. instantly. As soon as it was found that she had taken the acid, which was only a few moments later, a physician was summoned and restoratives were applied. and after working for several hours the woman was relieved and this morning was considerably better. although not considered entirely out of danger.
Hospital Day, Tuesday, April 18. "Leonard Cleanable" and "North Star" I Refrigerators are sold only by THURMAN BOONE CO. See their ad. on 8th page. THERE'S NO ODOR to contend with in using a "National" Refrigerator.
GILES BROS. BRITTS. Hospital Day, Tuesday, April 18. "Meditation." by Morrison: "Teasing," "'A Bit O' Blarney." "Good-Bye, My Lady Love." and other choice sheet music at 25c. per copy, at THURMAN, BOONE CO.
If you wish to buy a home, or other property it will pay you to see Lanier Gray, 114 Campbell west. He has what you want. BABY DAY. Every Thursday is Baby Day at 0111 studio. With each dozen photographs ordered on that day of your baby we will give you a photo suitably mounted for framing.
STRAYER SMITH. Campbell avenue. BULBS BULBS! Caladium, Tuberose and Canna Bulbs, largest in the city, Van Lear's. Barnes Drug and at Green-nou-as. FALLON, Florist, Luck avenue.
EDGAR C. WILEY CONSULTING ENGINEER LYNCHBURG, VA. Member American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Plans and Specifications for Heating, Ventilating and Power Plants. -Lynchburg National Bank Building.
Dolize Those peepers of yours by getting for them a pair of our best GOLD GLASSES. Our best frame, fitted with the FINEST QUALITY OF LENSES, with FRAME TO FIT THE FACE and the LENSES TO SUIT THE EYES. makes you look like you are treating your eyes right. We have all styles in all the popular metals. DRS.
MOORE WOODWARD, SPECIALISTS, 112 W. Campbell Roanoke, Va. HOURS: 9 A. M. to 4:30 P.
M. Special Hours by Appointment OLD PHONE 460 EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE. Plans have been completed for the educational conference at the Y. M. C.
hall this evening. Mr. Gregg, of New York city, who is to conduct the conference with the committeemen and give the public address at night, will arrive this afternoon, Members of the board of directors and educational committees will meet with Mr. Gregg at 5:45 o'clock, when lunch will be served, followed by conference on the educational work of the association. At.
8:30 o'clock Mr. Gregg will give a public address, illustrated by the stereopticon. His subject is "The Employed Man's Chance." This lecture will be free to all interested. FOR SALE. Two second-hand pianos taken in exchange; on easy payments if desired.
THURMAN BOONE CO. The cigar is "IT;" try it and you will like it. GET READY FOR EASTER. your "EASTER EGG DYES" now. We have the Dyes" in all colors, and in a dozen different forms and combinations.
Among the many different kinds are: Children's names, portraits of celebrated men. pictures, flags, flowers. rhymes, rabbits, etc. Get your "DYES" now and be ready for Easter morning. MASSIE'S PHARMACY.
Old newspapers for sale at this office. Noiseless, jarless Shoes and Oxfords for ladies, nurses and hospital attendants, You never saw the equal of these tor comfort. A rest for HURTING FEET. ROANOKE SHOE COMPANY. S.
W. P. Paint man says to Irishman: "Pat, why do you paint so fast?" Irishman says to Paint man: "Sure, to finish me job befure me paint gives out." Sherwin-Williams PAINT spreads easiest. Brushes out best. Easy to apply.
Quick work. Good work. See 116 Seventh avenue, southwest. Painted one year ago with SherwinWilliams Paint. Don't you think it wears well? 'Phone us and we will send a No.
painter to give you an estimate for painting your house with S. W. P. No matter what you want to paint, we have special goods fitted to the purpose, and we can supply what will be a pleasure to you and a credit to us. ROANOKE CO-OPERATIVE SUPPLY CO.
The largest retail Coal and Wood dealers in the city. 136 CAMPBELL S. W. BOTH 'PHONES. EDGE HILL FARMI SHAWSVILLE, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, VA.
J. L. VAUGHAN, Owner. Business Office, Vaughan Roanoke, Va. HAS IN THE STUD A three-year-old youngster, bred in the purple, a son of The Director General, and a grandson of the great DIRECTOR.
He will be in the Stud for only a short time, and will then go in training. Clydesdale Stallion, bandsome specimen of his type An Spanish Jack, a he vy boned black with mealy points; an 1 That great Shetland Pony, "IMPULSE," 42 inches high, weighs 300 son of the prize winner "Chestnut," and a grandson of the CHAMPION PRINCE OF WALES, who, as was demonstrated at the World's Fair at St. Louis and other great shows, is the CHAMPION PONY OF THE WORLD. In the pony Harem there are some of the handsomest and best bred pony mares living, notably "Girotle" and "Girofa," who took first prize at the World's Fair at St. Louis, and at other great shows, as a pair and singly.
FOR SALE: Some three and four-year-old "Wilkes" and other well-bred geldings, who can show speed, and will make toppy roadsters, some standardbred fillies, who are likely prospects for speed. For further information write to Roanoke office, or call on S. W. PRESTON, Manager, Shawsville, Va. Or Capt.
Wm. Bradford, Trainer, Empire Stables, Roanoke, Va. The best prize winning strains of barred Plymouth-Rock Chickens, and can furnish eggs delivered for $1.50 to $5.00 for fifteen, and a fair hatch guaranteed. Some of the best families of Berkshire hogs in America. S.
W. PRESTON, Manager. Pleasure IN CALLING YOUR TION TO OUR DISPLAY OF CASTER CARDS, BOOKLETS, PICTURES NOVELTIES, BIBLES, PRAYERS HYMNALS. Your friends will appreciate a sigh token of remembrance at Easter-time. Gooch -Crosby Co.
Booksellers and Stationers, No. 10 Campbell Avenue. MORE THAN 10,000. Almost Half the Population of Roanoke Have Policies in One Insurance Company, Sounds big, but it's a fact, that there are more than 10,000 policy holders in the Roanoke agency of the Life Insurance Company of Virginia. It takes the time of thirteen gentlemen to look after the interest of this one company alone in Roanoke city.
The Life Insurance Company of Virginia has maintained offices for many years in Roanoke and business has grown steadily, The present superintendent of the Roanoke city district is Mr. W. D. Coppridge, who, prior to coming here eighteen months ago, had for some years been superintendent of the Charlottesville district, he having been in the company's service for the past twelve years. The company, whose home office is Richmond, is purely southern, having agencies a dozen states and employing more" than six hundred field agents.
The pyramid of figures in the company's display ad. which appears in this paper today, tell growth of the company's premium income since 1887. NEGRO ARRESTED. Charged With Robbing Catogni's Store Last Saturday Night. Late Saturday night Officer W.
J. Rigney arrested Eldridge Jones, a young negro about 18 years old, on the charge having robbed the grocery store Catogni Bros. of a watch off and a sum of money, the exact amount not being known. The robbery was committed Friday night and suspicion pointed to Jones, who was at one time employed there and who knew the ins and outs of the store. He was seen around the place late Friday evening, and having just been released from the penitentiary for having stolen a barrel of flour from the same store, the officers at once started on his trail.
He was found near the Ponce de Leon by Officer Rigney, Saturday night. and when the officer started after him he ran up the alley and dropped something, which afterward proved to be the watch. Jones was placed under arrest and will have a hearing this morning. The evidence against him is very conclusive. It seems that he managed to conceal himself in the lumber room behind some barrels and was locked up there when the store closed Friday night.
EN ROUTE TO WEDDING. Mr. R. C. Hale, of Baltimore, is in the city for a few days.
He will go from here to his old home, in Rocky Mount and on June 8 will be married to Miss Henrietta Chauncey Quimby, of New York. The marriage will take place at Bedford City and Hon. Geo. C. Cabell, of Norfolk, will act as best man for Mr.
Mr. Hale is well known in Roanoke and has many friends here who rejoice at his good fortune in securing one of the most beautiful and accomplished young ladies who has ever visited this section. Miss Quimby spends a great deal of her time in Bedford City. ANOTHER WILLIAMS. W.
C. Williams, the well known Washington, D. horseman, is in the city for a few days on a visit to his sons. Mr. Williams had quite an experience recently in being taken for the wrong man.
It seems that there is a W. C. Williams, also of Washington, who advertises that he can cure horses of any disease. they may have by the Christian Science method of treatment. Some one concluded that Mr.
Wesley Williams was the man, and since that time he has been besieged with clients who had all kinds of crippled horses they want cured. Mr. Williams wants it distinctly understood that he is not the man. A reward of $10 formation leading tion of party or the stone wall at Mrs. P.
L. Terry's REWARD. REWARD. will be paid for into arrest and convicparties who damaged northeast corner of yard. T.
W. GOODWIN. LIKE IT! AS YOU LIKE IT! Best. quality Singapore "PINEAPPLE." sliced, grated or chunks, 'only cents the can. Something fine--try it.
CATOGNI BROS. EASTER CARDS. Hand-painted Easter cards and eggs from the Art School, Campbell s.w., for sale at Gooch-Crosby's. Hospital Day, Tuesday, April 18. If you must smoke, smoke the bestthe cigar.
Everybody- everywhere--every day smoke the cigar. ROANOKE DENTAL PARLORS. Crown and Bridge Work a specialty. Terror of tooth-pulling banished. Best work.
Best materials. Lowest prices. Call and be convinced. Don't forget that we refund your money if you are not satisfied. Come in and get one of those little books free of charge that tells you all about your teeth.
DR. P. A. DIXON, Dentist. No.
10 Campbell avenue, west. IT PAYS to have your INSURANCE written by C. D. M. Showalter, "THE INSURANCE MAN." 215 Henry Roanoke, Va H.
CLAY MILLER CO. Only One Week Now Until Easter! If you have not secured a GOWN befitting for this day, what we have say will be of great interest to you. Silk suits are what we wish to call your attention to. In view of the fact that we are going to discontinue this line we- are offering our entire stock at prices thatwill not fail to tempt you. These are all this season's goods.
Many of themhave not been in theestore over 30 days. De not put off seeing this line until the last minute. $12.50 Suits 9.48 15.00 Suits 10.50 18.00 Suits 12.50 20.00 Suits 15.00 25.00 Suits 18.00 30.00 Suits 21.00 35.00 Suits 25:00 H. CLAY MILLER CO. FREDMAN KOHEN, Another Week of The Great Sale of Silks! All of the SILKS advertised last week will remain on sale during this week at the SAME PRICE.
SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK. BLACK CHEVIOT WALKING SKIRT Women's heavy Taffeta Silk Petti- In spring weight, new 11-gore flare Black finished with and side-plaited style, an unusual of coats. and colors, fering for $4.75. silk dust ruffle. Special for this week, $4.89.
NEW MODELS In Ladies' Silk Suits, priced $9.76 to $24.00. WOMEN'S PETTICOATS. Black Sateen trimmed with 12-inch ac- WAISTS. cordion pleating at 99 CENTS. We are now showing every style of Waist that will be worn this spring, We want you to compare them with WOMEN'S $1.50 KID GLOVES.
$1.00. those shown everywhere, Then you will The real kid two-clasp a and embroi- be convinced that our prices are lower backs in tan, slate, brown, black elsewhere. than dery and white at $1.00. Underselling price, 50c. to $7.50.
FREDMAN KOHEN, No. 28 Salem Avenue, Roanoke, Va. Particular People Demand "GAMBILL'S BEST" FLOUR, because -nothing better can be produced and it is always dependable. Economical People Buy "Gambill's Best" Flour, because it goes farther, produces more bread to the barrel than other flours, and consequently costs less than all others. "Your Grocer Will Supply You." GAMBILL DAVIS AMERICAN FIELD FENCING Is the leader of all WOVEN WIRE FENCES, being the strongest and least expensive of any fence on the market.
Call to see us or write us for prices. We also bave a large stock of Lawn Fence, Yard and Drive Gates. FAIRFAX BELL THE HARDWARE HUSTLERS. GAS ARC LAMPS EXCEL ALL OTHERS For Stores and Halls. Have you bought your wife a GAS RANGE yet! If not, why not? We sell 'em at cost.